I'm Uday Rajoriya

Game Developer/Programmer


Other Projects


URCRYPT is a custom algorithm, that is based on Caesar Cipher also known as Caesar's code or Caesar shift. In here instead of a constant shifting of all the characters, shifting is done based on the key entered. The characters to shift, the shift direction and the amount of shift is all determined via a key of 15-characters.


I am Uday Rajoriya, a programmer, writer, engineer and gamer. I love computers, video games and compelling stories. These things are a big part of my life. I love video games so much that I started prototyping on different game engines since I was about 13. I started with the level editor of Far Cry 3. Created a lot of maps for complete fun. Then I got a little serious and started to research how games are made. The very first tool that I found and worked on was 3DRad. I spent hundreds of hours in it. Then I switched to FPSCreator. Again, I spent a lot of time there. Then I got a little more serious, so I worked on Unity, learnt C#. Switched to CryEngine, played with the bundled assets. Then to Unreal Engine, learnt blueprints and C++. And then to Godot, where I finally released my first game Space Warzone.
I am also a full-stack developer.


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